General Overseer
There is no victory without battle, no conquest without warfare! Quitting is not the portion of a believer, fighting to the end is. That the devil contest with you is an indication of your awaiting victory. Don’t feel strange, thy blessings are still yours. Stand your ground and lay a firm hold on it. The day you begin to negotiate with the devil, you begin to sell out your destiny. You are not sent to be a negotiator but a dominator over him. The word says “Let them have dominion” is the authority from the mouth of Jesus (Luke 10:19).
The moment you begin to beg, you begin to bow and lose. Give him no place. Stand straight to confront him, he is to be confronted. As far as your destiny is concerned, the devil is too late. So there is no reason strong enough to keep you down. When you fold your arms, your destiny folds up, stretch out and break your barriers. The next thing that will happen to you is a spread. If you give the devil an inch, he goes a mile. Be violent, because it takes only violent men to attain their positions. Every day is a day of battle, but every day can be your day of triumph. When you see battles, remember your weapons. They are mighty through God. They are capacitated to pull down strong holds.
Circumstances are never permanent, only God’s will for you is. Your problem may be lasting; it is not everlasting. Your everlasting God is at work in you to put a lasting end to it. No circumstances can erase your stardom. The devil cannot create enough darkness that will prevail your shining. Stop giving explanations for your failures, start activating your potentials to realize your future.. You give up too soon that is why the devil keeps the gun at your throat. You can tell him off now! Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7). You start having good results when you stop believing evil report. Your future is certain; your destiny is very sure. Start climbing the ladder. Nothing stops you from this moment.
Apostle Dr Daniel Chris General Overseer
General Overseer
There is no victory without battle, no conquest without warfare! Quitting is not the portion of a believer, fighting to the end is. That the devil contest with you is an indication of your awaiting victory. Don’t feel strange, thy blessings are still yours. Stand your ground and lay a firm hold on it. The day you begin to negotiate with the devil, you begin to sell out your destiny. You are not sent to be a negotiator but a dominator over him. The word says “Let them have dominion” is the authority from the mouth of Jesus (Luke 10:19).
The moment you begin to beg, you begin to bow and lose. Give him no place. Stand straight to confront him, he is to be confronted. As far as your destiny is concerned, the devil is too late. So there is no reason strong enough to keep you down. When you fold your arms, your destiny folds up, stretch out and break your barriers. The next thing that will happen to you is a spread. If you give the devil an inch, he goes a mile. Be violent, because it takes only violent men to attain their positions. Every day is a day of battle, but every day can be your day of triumph. When you see battles, remember your weapons. They are mighty through God. They are capacitated to pull down strong holds.
Circumstances are never permanent, only God’s will for you is. Your problem may be lasting; it is not everlasting. Your everlasting God is at work in you to put a lasting end to it. No circumstances can erase your stardom. The devil cannot create enough darkness that will prevail your shining. Stop giving explanations for your failures, start activating your potentials to realize your future.. You give up too soon that is why the devil keeps the gun at your throat. You can tell him off now! Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (James 4:7). You start having good results when you stop believing evil report. Your future is certain; your destiny is very sure. Start climbing the ladder. Nothing stops you from this moment.
Apostle Dr Daniel Chris General Overseer